JamPlay Member: rockgod1

Member Since: Hidden
Location:Hammond IN
I don't take my name seriously at all. It is more to make fun of myself. I enjoy attempting to play.
I recently discovered something about playing that kinda upset me a bit. when you ask people how to change chords faster 100% of the time they answer practice and this answer is incorrect! The first thing that should be said is you have to move all your fingers together at the same time. not one person said this to me and as a result I wasted three months "practicing" it was pretty upsetting to discover that all someone had to say to me was move all fingers at the same time and not one person thought to say this.
In a Band: No
Skill Level: Beginner
Guitar(s): LE 122
Amplifer(s): Spider Line 6
I first dreamed that I would run to guitar center and immediately discover I was a genius at playing the guitar. Unfortunately no such thing happened. The guitar sat In a box for a year after purchase and collected dust. After such time I decided if I ever wanted to play I would have to take Private lessons. I have been taking Private Lessons for about 5 months and I am still not very good. However I can change my own strings and tune my guitar and know up to Bar Chords.

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