JamPlay Song Lessons /

How to play "Paradiddle Tapping" on guitar

   Song lesson length:  3:47

Scenes in the lessons: 1

Scenes: 1


Difficulty rating:   4.0 of 5

"Paradiddle Tapping"

Learn to play Paradiddle Tapping by on guitar. As a JamPlay member, you get unlimited access to this song lesson as well as hundreds more!

Scene 1 - Paradiddle Tapping (3.79)


Sarah Longfield

Mixing drumming rudiments and tapped guitar playing, Sarah shows how to take rhythm playing to new heights. First, she teaches the rhythmic concepts and then how to sync both hands for some real guitar gymnastics. While complex, she breaks everything down to individual components to make learning much simpler.

Anatomy of a Song Lesson


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