JamPlay Song Lessons /

How to play "Elmore James Rhythm - A Different Taste" on guitar

   Song lesson length:  9:28

Scenes in the lessons: 1

Scenes: 1


Difficulty rating:   2.0 of 5

"Elmore James Rhythm - A Different Taste"

Learn to play Elmore James Rhythm - A Different Taste by on guitar. As a JamPlay member, you get unlimited access to this song lesson as well as hundreds more!

Scene 1 - More Elmore James Rhythm (9.47)


Stuart Ziff

Look at a different song in the style of a song called Blues At Sunrise. Eric Clapton covered this song on an album in the 90s and payed tribute to the fantastic slide playing of Elmore James. You'll learn look at the rhythm first in this lesson.

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