Learn Songs

Learn Hard Rock Songs - Guitar Lessons

Snag a JamPlay membership and get instant access to all of our hard rock song lessons. You will get access to the best possible tools to help you to learn these songs.

Video Instruction

Learning from tabs or other methods is a difficult, frustrating process. Allow us to take you step-by-step with our video lessons for guitar songs.

Interactive Tabs

Tabs powered by Soundslice, the powerful, native, and interactive tab software dedicated to moving music notation to the 21st, or 22nd century.


Finding accurate tabs is nearly impossible...until now. We hire the pros to tab every song we teach. Stop hoping for accuracy and start learning.

Play-Along Demo

Jam along to the tune with our full demonstration.. aimed to display how the full song is arranged, and how to put together each section of the song.

Member-Only Guitar Lessons for Hard Rock Songs

Check out our free hard rock song lessons for a sneak peak of what you'll receive as a subscriber.

Artist Title
Staind For You
Staind Right Here
Staind So Far Away
Staind Not Again
Staind Eyes Wide Open

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