JamPlay Member: jacques60

Member Since: Hidden
Location:Gainesville VA
Occupation:Retired professional
I've flirted with electric guitar off and on for decades with no real direction. I'm lost for ways to move beyond basic minor pentatonic scale and twelve bars

I would like to
-discover ways to use different scales to make soloing sound more interesting
-move from basic 12 bar blues to something that blends jazz AND blues together
In a Band: No
Skill Level: Intermediate
Guitar(s): Gibson ES 336, Rickenbacker 4004 Bass, Martin Acoustic
Amplifer(s): Fender Super 4x10, Fender Rumble 200 1x15, Marshall Valvestate 2x12
- Rock bands during teen years.
- 40 years pursuing career in defense industry, flirting w guitar off and on.
- Now retired and searching for blues jam sessions but have little to offer
- Some on-line instruction last year but w/limited success
- Hungry to learn - need structured approach

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