JamPlay Member: neef68

Member Since: Hidden
Location:Philadelphia PA
Occupation:Commercial Driver
Hello JamPlay fanatics =)
My name is Neef. I've been practicing guitar since 2007 when I bought my Ibanez GRX40. My practice levels have gone up and down but, I can honestly say that I've never been as focused as I am now and have been since a couple months ago. I've been applying myself more heavily to my guitar practice and have a steady practice routine that is showing lots of progress.

Because of my born-again dedication, I just bought an awesome new guitar and combo tube amp. It definitely makes a difference in tone and playability ;-)

I'm not internet shy by any means so, if you breeze through my profile feel free to drop a hello or friend request. Keep up the practice

m/ 0-_-0

Profile updated: 1/23/13
In a Band: No
Skill Level: Intermediate
Guitar(s): LTD M-300FM, Ibanez GRX40, Carlo Robelli W4102B
Amplifer(s): Vox Valvetronix VT40+, Ibanez GTA 15R
I like a broad range of music. Metal just happens to be my favorite. I also like Alternative Rock, R&B, and Folk as well.

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