JamPlay Member: relimous


Member Since: Hidden
Location:Melbourne ZZ
Occupation:Refrigeration mechanic
Pretty much i have wanted to learn guitar for a long time now. I have a really good ear for guitar and solos. Each gig i go to if its a band i know back to front i can sing the guitar as well as the lyrics. Ask some friends of mine they spin out every time and ask me how can you know and do what you do and cant play? I always say id like to learn its just i cant fit lessons into my schedule its to much to work around but now i found this site and can work it in with the free time i do have so im keen to see what this site is about
In a Band: No
Skill Level: Beginner
Guitar(s): Takamine d-series
Amplifer(s): ned help on choosing one still and no money is not the issue i want something bad arse

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