JamPlay Member: wiersma


Member Since: Hidden
Location:The Netherlands ZZ
Harpist, but I have a husband who's a guitar loving maniac! He has 11, all different styles, brands, colors etc. Has been nagging me to start playing since I-can't-remember-when and I decided to give it a try ...
I think the harp is a more difficult instrument to learn to play, altho very beautiful. But guitar is fast, fun and very transportable. Which can come in handy too, since I can't fit my 34 string harp in our car *facepalm*.

We have 2 daughters. Our 2,5 year old has confiscated my husbands Flying V, so technically, now - he only has 10. The 7mo old just watches and listens to us play and have family-guitar-fun-time!
In a Band: No
Skill Level: Beginner
Guitar(s): acoustic Cort
Amplifer(s): Unknown

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