JamPlay Song Lessons /

How to play "Pyrokinesis Part 1" on guitar

   Song lesson length:  3:01

Scenes in the lessons: 1

Scenes: 1


Difficulty rating:   3.0 of 5

"Pyrokinesis Part 1"

Learn to play Pyrokinesis Part 1 by on guitar. As a JamPlay member, you get unlimited access to this song lesson as well as hundreds more!

Scene 1 - Pyrokinesis Part 1 (3.02)


Tony MacAlpine

Upon first glance, this line looks and sounds like a raking or sweeping idea. Closer examination by Tony reveals that it can be more fluidly done with legato playing. These arpeggios are what tie the broader melody of the song together, so it is important that they are clean, not too percussive, and sit just right in the groove. They go by fast when played up to tempo so be sure to pour over the meticulous breakdown that Tony offers.

Anatomy of a Song Lesson


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